Varicose Vein Treatment Adelaide: Affordable Varicose Vein Treatment Adelaide

Varicose veins are twisted and enlarged blood vessels that affect around 30% of Australians. They can be cosmetically unacceptable and are often a precursor to more serious medical complications.

Before 2000, surgery was the only proven treatment, but now there are alternatives. These include non-invasive procedures that don’t require general anaesthetic. For more affordable varicose vein treatment Adelaide, check this out.


varicose vein treatment AdelaideSclerotherapy is an excellent non-surgical treatment for varicose veins. It involves injecting a solution into the problem’s blood vessels. The injected solution irritates the lining of the blood vessel and causes it to close.

Over time, the blood vessels turn into scar tissue and disappear from view. Most patients can have the procedure in their doctor’s office, which takes less than an hour. It is typically performed with other non-surgical treatments, such as ultrasound-guided phlebectomy or laser treatment.

Sclerotherapy is a safe, effective and cost-effective method of treating varicose veins. A vascular surgeon or medical practitioner will usually perform the procedure. This is done under local anaesthetic and is a minimally invasive procedure. During the process, a medical-grade irritant (sclerosant) is injected into the dysfunctional veins. The sclerosant then causes inflammation of the vein, and the blood vessels in the vein then close up.

Many different types of sclerosing agents can be used in this procedure, which will be discussed during your consultation. The most common type of sclerosant is liquid sclerotherapy, injected into the affected blood vessels using beautiful needles. Foam sclerotherapy is also an option for some patients. It involves using air or carbon dioxide mixed with standard sclerosant to form foam, which can then be injected into the abnormal blood vessels. For more affordable varicose vein treatment Adelaide, check this out.

The results of sclerotherapy for small varicose and spider veins will be visible within three to six weeks. More prominent varicose veins will take longer to respond. Some people may require multiple sclerotherapy sessions to get the desired results.

During the sclerotherapy session, a doctor will mark the affected area with ultrasound scanning to identify the blood vessels. A local anaesthetic will then be injected into the area, and the doctor will insert a needle into the vein. This is usually done with a duplex ultrasound scanner to guide the needle into the correct blood vessel.

Some patients might temporarily experience heat or heaviness in the affected area after the procedure. This is a normal reaction to the injection. Some people might also experience a feeling of tightness in the leg after the procedure. The pain is mild and will usually subside within a few days. They are wearing compression stockings to maintain pressure on the treated veins after sclerotherapy is essential.

After the procedure, most patients return to their daily routines on the same day. However, avoiding sun exposure on the legs for two weeks after the procedure is essential. This is because the inflammation of the blood vessels can cause dark spots on the skin, especially for those with darker skin tones. Covering the legs with sunscreen and wearing socks when walking outside is a good idea.

Patients should attend a follow-up appointment about a month after the treatment to ensure that all of the varicose and spider veins have responded to treatment. The physician will assess the results during these appointments and suggest more treatment sessions. For more affordable varicose vein treatment Adelaide, check this out.

Varicose Vein Treatment – What You Need to Know

Varicose veins are not only unsightly and uncomfortable but can lead to a variety of medical complications, including phlebitis (blood clots), ulcers, and other skin problems. In some cases, they can even require amputation of the legs.

If left untreated, varicose veins can become very painful and hardened, making them more challenging to manage. If you are suffering from this condition, it is best to consult Adelaide’s doctor as soon as possible for varicose vein treatment.

The type of procedure you will need will depend on the severity of your varicose veins and other factors. Some people may be able to reduce their symptoms through conservative treatments. These include diet, weight management, compression hosiery, and lifestyle changes.

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