Occupational Therapy Adelaide: Occupational Therapy Reviews

Occupational therapy is an evidence-based health profession that assists clients to participate in activities that are meaningful and important to them. It includes everyday tasks like caring for oneself, working, playing, and partaking in hobbies and interests. Kid Sense OT provides NDIS-registered therapeutic support. Our OT and speech therapy teams work together in the same office, delivering a truly integrated multi-disciplinary service. For more occupational therapy reviews Adelaide, click here.

occupational therapy reviews Adelaide	Professionalism

Occupational therapy is a client-centred health profession that helps people overcome constraints that prevent them from participating in the activities they want or need to do. It includes physical, emotional and social limitations. The OT profession requires high professionalism, defined as adopting specific attitudes and behaviours in professional practice. This definition also provides for the application of ethical and legal principles.

The concept of professionalism has tangible consequences for therapists, service recipients and the profession at large. The values underlying occupational therapy professionalism must be made explicit because they influence the attitudes and behaviours of practitioners.

However, few studies have examined the characteristics of these values. This study uses a scoping review to identify and describe the values of the Australian occupational therapy profession. The results provide insight into the development and manifestation of these values. They also contribute to research to make the values of occupational therapy more explicit.


Occupational therapy focuses on enabling people to participate in activities (or occupations) they want and need to do. These activities can include self-care, work and leisure. Occupational therapists can help people with physical, cognitive and emotional problems. They may also be able to assist with modifying the home or workplace environment.

The University of Adelaide offers a range of postgraduate degrees in occupational therapy. It includes master’s, doctoral and honours programs. It also provides a research stream. The school has an excellent reputation for its academic and clinical staff, state-of-the-art facilities, and a hands-on approach to learning. Prospective students are encouraged to contact the faculty to discuss their eligibility for study.

Services offered

Occupational therapy is a client-centred health profession that helps people of all ages perform everyday activities (or occupations) that are meaningful and important to them. It can allow them to manage physical and emotional difficulties resulting from mental illness, accidents or injury.

OTs work with children of all ages to develop and maintain participation in daily activities, including play and school. They can provide advice, techniques and equipment to support them in doing these activities. They may also modify home and work environments to make tasks easier and safer.


Occupational therapy can be expensive, but it can also be cost-effective. Many health insurers cover OT and allied health services, including speech therapy. However, it’s essential to check with your health insurance provider and ensure you’re fully aware of the cost of these services. Some policies have waiting periods and annual claim limits, so checking your details before making an appointment is best.

The most comprehensive and accurate way to assess the cost-effectiveness of a particular treatment is through a complete economic evaluation study. These studies incorporate a societal perspective that includes healthcare use, informal care costs, and the direct cost of interventions.

The OTFC Group provides a holistic rehabilitation approach, integrating physiotherapy and occupational therapy. It ensures clients get the best possible outcomes. Qualified therapists have extensive experience working with people with complex needs. They can provide services under Medicare, private health insurance, TAC and WorkCover.

Occupational therapy (OT) is a form of physical rehabilitation that aims to improve patients’ ability to perform activities they need or want to do but are unable due to illness, injury, or age-related conditions. It also focuses on preventing further decline in function, helping patients stay as active as possible, and enhancing their quality of life. In addition to physical recovery, OT can help improve mental health.

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